We've been growing hops for the past 4 years. The first year the landscaper weed whacked them, the second year bugs ate them, last year we had a brown harvest, but this year they look great. As you can see from the pics, they are a beautiful green and full. I was surprised they have done so well in this heat that we have had over the past few weeks. Some are starting to dry on the vine so I think I will be harvesting real soon. If all goes right they will end up in a batch of home brew real soon...
Three bad hop years in a row - bummer. Congrats on this years crop. They look like very healthy hops. Happy brewing!
Cool. What kind of hops are they?
When we bought the rhizome it said 'hops', nothing else. But, from the smell and taste (yes, I've tasted them) I'm thinking they are Cascade.
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