When I do a Try This Beer post, it's usually a big beer. Belgium in style, high in alcohol, or a giant hop monster. Those are the beers that I drink and those are the beers that I love. But I realize that you can't drink La Fin Du Monde all day and night long (I've tried, it hurts). Sometimes you need to offset the big beers with some lighter ones. The good thing is, you don't have to sacrifice flavor. These beers were all built for the long haul, and some can even satisfy us beer geeks.
Harpoon White
I'll be honest: when I first had this beer I thought it was way to light for me. But, a few weekends ago, at the brewery, it was hot and muggy, and this was my beer of choice for the entire weekend. Just one thing: please hold the orange.
Simpler Times Lager
This is not a great beer...well...it's just not a great beer for me. But, if you're a die hard Bud drinker, or enjoy a light American lager from time to time, you should try it. It's rice and corn free and weighs in at 6.2% alcohol.
This is a staple in our house. Kris loves it. It has actually grown on me over the years. It's a Belgian style white beer that is unfiltered and is only 4.9% alcohol. I always bring a ton of this with us at competitions. It's a good 'all day drinker.'
Sierra Nevada Kellerweis
This beer is a hefeweizen: a German style wheat beer. Notes of clove and banana are subtle but add a nice complexity to this light brew. At 4.8% alcohol it's a great summer beer, but to be honest, I'd drink this beer anytime.
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