It was another great time at the Oyster Festival in Norwalk Connecticut this year. The crowds were huge and the weather was beautiful. It was sunny during the day and a little chilly at night; perfect for a late night fire and a few shots of Jack Daniel's. Just like last year the schedule was hectic. All together there were 15 categories over 3 days. But the big misconception is thinking that you
need to do all of them. We didn't, and we weren't alone. For the past two years this comp goes under scrutiny by many in the BBQ community. They state that the entry fee is too high, there are too many categories, and even saying it is wrong of the organizers to serve the teams a giant lobster dinner on Friday night. As the old saying goes: if that's wrong, I don't want to be right! I read a lot of misinformation on the forums leading up to this comp. What sucks is that the info was coming from people who have either never been to this comp, or never had any intentions of attending in the first place. To me it does a huge disservice to the organizers and the charity they were raising money for. If you don't want to go to a comp: don't. But don't try to distract others who might be interested in going. Anyway I just wanted to tell the teams that might have heard some wrong info about this comp. It's a good comp, with a lot of prize money. The spots are 20 X 30 (most comps are charging extra for that now). The power and water are great. Cook's dinner on friday night and a team breakfast on both days. Is it perfect? No. But as soon as I find a comp that is, I'll let you know.
We competed in the KCBS, Iron Chef, and the Anything Butt competitions. We took 1st place in the Iron Chef and 2nd place in the Anything Butt. For KCBS we got calls for 6th place chicken and 2nd place pork and finished 6th out of 35 teams. Big congrats to I Smell Smoke!!! for their Grand and to Q-Haven for their Reserve Grand. Nice job guys!
Congrats mike we are going to try that one next year i hope.nice pics see you this weekend
Well done Mike!
The Perfect Butt
Congrats on the calls. I didnt think I was doing the comp a huge disservice by questioning the high entry fee. Just my opinion and thought i was entitled to it. I doubt my comments distracted anybody from doing the contest. Those who wanted to go, did. Who would listen to me anyway?
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