Monday, July 28, 2008
Harpoon Results
GC I Smell Smoke
RGC Q Haven
3) BBQ
4) Hog Heaven
5)Giggling Pigs
7) Transformer BBQ
10)Smokin' Triggers
1) Big Boned BBQ
2) Central Pork West
3) Black Diamond BBQ
5)Twin State Smoke Company
6)Flaming Hog BBQ
7)Uncles Jed's BBQ
8)Que Ball
9)Q Haven
10)Lakeside Smokers
1)I Smell Smoke
2) Hog Heaven
3) BBQ
4) Giggling Pigs
5) Uncle Jeds BBQ
6)The Bastey Boys
8)Pokey Smokers
9) Lunchmeat
10)The Anchormen
1) BBQ
2) Transformer BBQ
3)Smokin' Triggers
4) The
5)Purple Turtle
6) Lost Nation Smoke Company
7) I Smell Smoke!
8)Q Haven
9)All Q'd Up
10)Dr. Frank 'n' Swine
1)Q Haven
2)Transformer BBQ
3)Hog Heaven
4)All Q'd Up
5)Giggling Pigs BBQ
6)Pokey Smokers
7)Dr. Frank 'n' Swine
8) Smokin' Triggers
10) I Smell Smoke
Friday, July 25, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Troy Pig Out Results
Grand Champion: IQue
Reserve Grand Champion: Transformers
3 Anchormen
4 Lakeside Smokers
5 Doc Roberts BBQ
6 Sexy Ginos
1 Lakeside Smokers
2 Green Mt Smoke Shack
3 IQue
4 Purple Turtle
5 All Fired Up BBQ
6 Sexy Ginos
1 IQue
2 Q-Less
3 Anchormen
4 Doc Roberts BBQ
5 Transformers
6 Yanni's Too Restaurant
1 Smokin' Wally's
2 The Barn Crew
3 Transformers
4 Doc Roberts BBQ
5 IQue
6 Lakeside Smokers
1 Transformers
2 Anchormen
3 Sexy Ginos
4 Lakeside Smokers
5 Boar-n-Q
6 Doc Roberts BBQ
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Friday Night Food Porn

This was a great summer side dish. I got some vine ripened tomatoes, sliced them thick and tossed them with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and fresh parsley and basil from my garden. Placed them on a cedar plank with some whole basil leaves, parsley, salt and pepper, and more oil. I added some real good mozzarella cheese on top. Then I put this on the Weber Kettle for a few minutes to warm through and melt the cheese.
Troy Pig Out
Local press about The Troy Pig Out.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Max Keenan Lorson

Congratulations to our friends Ted and Sheila Lorson, from Q-Haven, on the birth of their son, Max. He was 7 pounds 9 ounces and was born Friday July 11th at 2:34 PM. Mother and baby are doing great.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Friday Night Food Porn

That's right...fruit. Hear me out. Over the past month it's been complete and utter gluttony here at Lakeside. We've done back to back competitions, and all the leftovers that go with that. An Eggfest, a Pigtrip, a week's vacation at Sebago Lake, numerous Fourth of July cookouts, a trip to the beach for a fried seafood feast, chicken practice two nights a week, and more Chinese take out than I'd like to admit. It's truly been an orgy of food lately. So, in an attempt to 'try' to eat a little healthier we will be sneaking a little more fruit and veggies on to our table...I'll bet you that fruit would have been incredible dipped in chocolate...
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Try This Beer
Smuttynose IPA has been my 'go to' IPA for the past two summers. It's very unusual for a beer geek, like myself, to drink a lot of the same beer. We all love to try something different, or our tastes are always changing. But this IPA has been scratching me right where it itches: in the taste buds. The nose on this IPA hits me with tons of citrus and a little fresh cut grass. The golden color has a nice haze to it, because it's unfiltered, always a good thing in my opinion. The thick head stays with you for the entire glass. The first sip wakes up your mouth with hops, a tremendous amount of hops. I get a lot of grapefruit and a lasting bitterness on the sides of my tongue. This beer weighs in at 6.7% alcohol, adding even more character to this very aggressive IPA. This is not a beer for the casual IPA drinker, this is a beer designed for us Hopheads.
Also, the label sums up what beer is to me: real people, kicking back, and enjoying life.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Friday Night Food Porn

These fatties were made from the rib trimmings that I saved through out the year. As soon as I get back from a comp I put the trimmings into the freezer, then when I have about 50 pounds, I thaw them out. I yield just under 50% ground pork/fat after bone removal. I mixed these with sage, thyme, crushed red pepper, and a few more spices. I rolled them into 3 pound fatties and smoked them over some hickory. I applied a maple glaze and enjoyed. Some of these went to friends and family. But, more importantly, a few went to my butchers. They love stuff like that.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Lake Placid
You can read more here at the NEBS site.